Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Politicians Value Campaigning More

Politicians still don't get the message. The recent local elections have shown many examples of candidates who spent a lot of money to all kinds of campaign items. Few have understood that an election campaign actually starts the day after the last elections by building a reputation.
Between June and September I have been asked to lead campaign for several parties in different villages and cities. I have declined all offers, because I don't believe in last minute campaigning. I adhere the first minute campaigns.
The money which is spent during the last two to three months is simply going down the drain. Studies have shown it, but still a large part of the political world does not want to accept the measured evidence. Why? I don't know. With some, call it arrogance, with others, call it plain ignorance.
Ofcourse many PR agencies and advertising companies do not like these comments because the money that they can make from the thousands of candidates is an important source of income for them! So many agencies try to upkeep the illusion of last minute campaign results. Why don't they come up with result-oriented invoicing? ;-)
Anyway, I wonder why politicians usually think that they can outperform with PR models dating from some decades ago, while in the business world a lot of companies are already applying CR methods based on multi-stakeholder principles...

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