Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Pasta Maker Tops Reputation Poll 2006

According to the Reputation Institute's latest poll, the world's most respectable company is Barilla Holding, the Italian pasta maker, with a reputation score of 87.79 out of a possible 100.

The Reputation Institute surveyed 30,000 people around the world and ranked 600 of the largest companies worldwide according to the RepTrack method. Companies were only judged on their home turf; Americans only opined about American companies, for example, and Indians only discussed firms headquartered in India. To determine which countries and which companies to rank, the Reputation Institute started with a list of the 300 largest companies worldwide. The companies on that list were headquartered in 25 different countries. Then, the researchers looked at the largest companies in each of those countries, so that citizens from each nation in the survey could rank at least ten firms.

The Reputation Institute then adjusted its findings to account for regional differences. French respondents, for example, tended to rate companies less favorably than Brazilians. The researchers adjusted the scores so that the average rating in each country was 64, the same as the global mean. The distribution around the mean was also standardised.

Read more about this survey on Forbes.com

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